
Zookeeper Barriers


Public API

class kazoo_sasl.recipe.barrier.Barrier(client, path)[source]

Kazoo Barrier

Implements a barrier to block processing of a set of nodes until a condition is met at which point the nodes will be allowed to proceed. The barrier is in place if its node exists.


The wait() function does not handle connection loss and may raise ConnectionLossException if the connection is lost while waiting.

__init__(client, path)[source]

Create a Kazoo Barrier

  • client – A KazooClient instance.
  • path – The barrier path to use.

Establish the barrier if it doesn’t exist already


Remove the barrier

Returns:Whether the barrier actually needed to be removed.
Return type:bool

Wait on the barrier to be cleared

Returns:True if the barrier has been cleared, otherwise False.
Return type:bool
class kazoo_sasl.recipe.barrier.DoubleBarrier(client, path, num_clients, identifier=None)[source]

Kazoo Double Barrier

Double barriers are used to synchronize the beginning and end of a distributed task. The barrier blocks when entering it until all the members have joined, and blocks when leaving until all the members have left.


You should register a listener for session loss as the process will no longer be part of the barrier once the session is gone. Connection losses will be retried with the default retry policy.

__init__(client, path, num_clients, identifier=None)[source]

Create a Double Barrier

  • client – A KazooClient instance.
  • path – The barrier path to use.
  • num_clients (int) – How many clients must enter the barrier to proceed.
  • identifier – An identifier to use for this member of the barrier when participating. Defaults to the hostname + process id.

Enter the barrier, blocks until all nodes have entered


Leave the barrier, blocks until all nodes have left