

Maintainer:Ben Bangert <ben@groovie.org>

A Zookeeper pool of party members. The Party object can be used for determining members of a party.

Public API

class kazoo_sasl.recipe.party.Party(client, path, identifier=None)[source]

Simple pool of participating processes

__init__(client, path, identifier=None)[source]

Get a list of participating clients’ data values


Return a count of participating clients


Join the party


Leave the party

class kazoo_sasl.recipe.party.ShallowParty(client, path, identifier=None)[source]

Simple shallow pool of participating processes

This differs from the Party as the identifier is used in the name of the party node itself, rather than the data. This places some restrictions on the length as it must be a valid Zookeeper node (an alphanumeric string), but reduces the overhead of getting a list of participants to a single Zookeeper call.

__init__(client, path, identifier=None)[source]

Get a list of participating clients’ identifiers


Return a count of participating clients


Join the party


Leave the party