Source code for kazoo.recipe.cache


:Maintainer: Jiangge Zhang <>
:Maintainer: Haochuan Guo <>
:Maintainer: Tianwen Zhang <>
:Status: Alpha

A port of the Apache Curator's TreeCache recipe. It builds an in-memory cache
of a subtree in ZooKeeper and keeps it up-to-date.

See also:
from __future__ import absolute_import

import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import operator

from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError, KazooException
from kazoo.protocol.paths import _prefix_root, join as kazoo_join
from kazoo.protocol.states import KazooState, EventType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class TreeCache(object): """The cache of a ZooKeeper subtree. :param client: A :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance. :param path: The root path of subtree. """ STATE_LATENT = 0 STATE_STARTED = 1 STATE_CLOSED = 2 _STOP = object() def __init__(self, client, path): self._client = client self._root = TreeNode.make_root(self, path) self._state = self.STATE_LATENT self._outstanding_ops = 0 self._is_initialized = False self._error_listeners = [] self._event_listeners = [] self._task_queue = client.handler.queue_impl() self._task_thread = None
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the cache. The cache is not started automatically. You must call this method. After a cache started, all changes of subtree will be synchronized from the ZooKeeper server. Events will be fired for those activity. Don't forget to call :meth:`close` if a tree was started and you don't need it anymore, or you will leak the memory of cached nodes, even if you have released all references to the :class:`TreeCache` instance. Because there are so many callbacks that have been registered to the Kazoo client. See also :meth:`~TreeCache.listen`. .. note:: This method is not thread safe. """ if self._state == self.STATE_LATENT: self._state = self.STATE_STARTED elif self._state == self.STATE_CLOSED: raise KazooException("already closed") else: raise KazooException("already started") self._task_thread = self._client.handler.spawn(self._do_background) self._client.add_listener(self._session_watcher) self._client.ensure_path(self._root._path) if self._client.connected: # The on_created and other on_* methods must not be invoked outside # the background task. This is the key to keep concurrency safe # without lock. self._in_background(self._root.on_created)
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the cache. A closed cache was detached from ZooKeeper's changes. And all nodes will be invalidated. Once a tree cache was closed, it could not be started again. You should only close a tree cache while you want to recycle it. .. note:: This method is not thread safe. """ if self._state == self.STATE_STARTED: self._state = self.STATE_CLOSED self._task_queue.put(self._STOP) self._client.remove_listener(self._session_watcher) with handle_exception(self._error_listeners): # We must invoke on_deleted outside background queue because: # 1. The background task has been stopped. # 2. The on_deleted on closed tree does not communicate with # ZooKeeper actually. self._root.on_deleted()
[docs] def listen(self, listener): """Registers a function to listen the cache events. The cache events are changes of local data. They are delivered from watching notifications in ZooKeeper session. This method can be use as a decorator. :param listener: A callable object which accepting a :class:`~kazoo.recipe.cache.TreeEvent` instance as its argument. """ self._event_listeners.append(listener) return listener
[docs] def listen_fault(self, listener): """Registers a function to listen the exceptions. It is possible to meet some exceptions during the cache running. You could specific handlers for them. This method can be use as a decorator. :param listener: A callable object which accepting an exception as its argument. """ self._error_listeners.append(listener) return listener
[docs] def get_data(self, path, default=None): """Gets data of a node from cache. :param path: The absolute path string. :param default: The default value which will be returned if the node does not exist. :raises ValueError: If the path is outside of this subtree. :returns: A :class:`~kazoo.recipe.cache.NodeData` instance. """ node = self._find_node(path) return default if node is None else node._data
[docs] def get_children(self, path, default=None): """Gets node children list from in-memory snapshot. :param path: The absolute path string. :param default: The default value which will be returned if the node does not exist. :raises ValueError: If the path is outside of this subtree. :returns: The :class:`frozenset` which including children names. """ node = self._find_node(path) return default if node is None else frozenset(node._children)
def _find_node(self, path): if not path.startswith(self._root._path): raise ValueError("outside of tree") striped_path = path[len(self._root._path) :].strip("/") splited_path = [p for p in striped_path.split("/") if p] current_node = self._root for node_name in splited_path: if node_name not in current_node._children: return current_node = current_node._children[node_name] return current_node def _publish_event(self, event_type, event_data=None): event = TreeEvent.make(event_type, event_data) if self._state != self.STATE_CLOSED: logger.debug("public event: %r", event) self._in_background(self._do_publish_event, event) def _do_publish_event(self, event): for listener in self._event_listeners: with handle_exception(self._error_listeners): listener(event) def _in_background(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self._task_queue.put((func, args, kwargs)) def _do_background(self): while True: with handle_exception(self._error_listeners): cb = self._task_queue.get() if cb is self._STOP: break func, args, kwargs = cb func(*args, **kwargs) # release before possible idle del cb, func, args, kwargs def _session_watcher(self, state): if state == KazooState.SUSPENDED: self._publish_event(TreeEvent.CONNECTION_SUSPENDED) elif state == KazooState.CONNECTED: # The session watcher should not be blocked self._in_background(self._root.on_reconnected) self._publish_event(TreeEvent.CONNECTION_RECONNECTED) elif state == KazooState.LOST: self._is_initialized = False self._publish_event(TreeEvent.CONNECTION_LOST)
class TreeNode(object): """The tree node record. :param tree: A :class:`~kazoo.recipe.cache.TreeCache` instance. :param path: The path of current node. :param parent: The parent node reference. ``None`` for root node. """ __slots__ = ( "_tree", "_path", "_parent", "_depth", "_children", "_state", "_data", ) STATE_PENDING = 0 STATE_LIVE = 1 STATE_DEAD = 2 def __init__(self, tree, path, parent): self._tree = tree self._path = path self._parent = parent self._depth = parent._depth + 1 if parent else 0 self._children = {} self._state = self.STATE_PENDING self._data = None @classmethod def make_root(cls, tree, path): return cls(tree, path, None) def on_reconnected(self): self._refresh() for child in self._children.values(): child.on_reconnected() def on_created(self): self._refresh() def on_deleted(self): old_children, self._children = self._children, {} old_data, self._data = self._data, None for old_child in old_children.values(): old_child.on_deleted() if self._tree._state == self._tree.STATE_CLOSED: self._reset_watchers() return old_state, self._state = self._state, self.STATE_DEAD if old_state == self.STATE_LIVE: self._publish_event(TreeEvent.NODE_REMOVED, old_data) if self._parent is None: self._call_client("exists", self._path) # root node else: child = self._path[len(self._parent._path) + 1 :] if self._parent._children.get(child) is self: del self._parent._children[child] self._reset_watchers() def _publish_event(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._tree._publish_event(*args, **kwargs) def _reset_watchers(self): client = self._tree._client for _watchers in (client._data_watchers, client._child_watchers): _path = _prefix_root(client.chroot, self._path) _watcher = _watchers.get(_path, set()) _watcher.discard(self._process_watch) def _refresh(self): self._refresh_data() self._refresh_children() def _refresh_data(self): self._call_client("get", self._path) def _refresh_children(self): # TODO max-depth checking support self._call_client("get_children", self._path) def _call_client(self, method_name, path): assert method_name in ("get", "get_children", "exists") self._tree._outstanding_ops += 1 callback = functools.partial( self._tree._in_background, self._process_result, method_name, path ) method = getattr(self._tree._client, method_name + "_async") method(path, watch=self._process_watch).rawlink(callback) def _process_watch(self, watched_event): logger.debug("process_watch: %r", watched_event) with handle_exception(self._tree._error_listeners): if watched_event.type == EventType.CREATED: assert self._parent is None, "unexpected CREATED on non-root" self.on_created() elif watched_event.type == EventType.DELETED: self.on_deleted() elif watched_event.type == EventType.CHANGED: self._refresh_data() elif watched_event.type == EventType.CHILD: self._refresh_children() def _process_result(self, method_name, path, result): logger.debug("process_result: %s %s", method_name, path) if method_name == "exists": assert self._parent is None, "unexpected EXISTS on non-root" # The result will be `None` if the node doesn't exist. if result.successful() and result.get() is not None: if self._state == self.STATE_DEAD: self._state = self.STATE_PENDING self.on_created() elif method_name == "get_children": if result.successful(): children = result.get() for child in sorted(children): full_path = kazoo_join(path, child) if child not in self._children: node = TreeNode(self._tree, full_path, self) self._children[child] = node node.on_created() elif isinstance(result.exception, NoNodeError): self.on_deleted() elif method_name == "get": if result.successful(): data, stat = result.get() old_data, self._data = ( self._data, NodeData.make(path, data, stat), ) old_state, self._state = self._state, self.STATE_LIVE if old_state == self.STATE_LIVE: if old_data is None or old_data.stat.mzxid != stat.mzxid: self._publish_event(TreeEvent.NODE_UPDATED, self._data) else: self._publish_event(TreeEvent.NODE_ADDED, self._data) elif isinstance(result.exception, NoNodeError): self.on_deleted() else: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("unknown operation %s", method_name) self._tree._outstanding_ops -= 1 return self._tree._outstanding_ops -= 1 if self._tree._outstanding_ops == 0 and not self._tree._is_initialized: self._tree._is_initialized = True self._publish_event(TreeEvent.INITIALIZED)
[docs] class TreeEvent(tuple): """The immutable event tuple of cache.""" NODE_ADDED = 0 NODE_UPDATED = 1 NODE_REMOVED = 2 CONNECTION_SUSPENDED = 3 CONNECTION_RECONNECTED = 4 CONNECTION_LOST = 5 INITIALIZED = 6 #: An enumerate integer to indicate event type. event_type = property(operator.itemgetter(0)) #: A :class:`~kazoo.recipe.cache.NodeData` instance. event_data = property(operator.itemgetter(1))
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, event_type, event_data): """Creates a new TreeEvent tuple. :returns: A :class:`~kazoo.recipe.cache.TreeEvent` instance. """ assert event_type in ( cls.NODE_ADDED, cls.NODE_UPDATED, cls.NODE_REMOVED, cls.CONNECTION_SUSPENDED, cls.CONNECTION_RECONNECTED, cls.CONNECTION_LOST, cls.INITIALIZED, ) return cls((event_type, event_data))
[docs] class NodeData(tuple): """The immutable node data tuple of cache.""" #: The absolute path string of current node. path = property(operator.itemgetter(0)) #: The bytes data of current node. data = property(operator.itemgetter(1)) #: The stat information of current node. stat = property(operator.itemgetter(2))
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, path, data, stat): """Creates a new NodeData tuple. :returns: A :class:`~kazoo.recipe.cache.NodeData` instance. """ return cls((path, data, stat))
@contextlib.contextmanager def handle_exception(listeners): try: yield except Exception as e: logger.debug("processing error: %r", e) if listeners: for listener in listeners: try: listener(e) except BaseException: # pragma: no cover logger.exception("Exception handling exception") # oops else: logger.exception("No listener to process %r", e)