.. _interfaces_module: :mod:`kazoo.interfaces` ---------------------------- .. automodule:: kazoo.interfaces Public API ++++++++++ :class:`IHandler` implementations should be created by the developer to be passed into :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` during instantiation for the preferred callback handling. If the developer needs to use objects implementing the :class:`IAsyncResult` interface, the :meth:`IHandler.async_result` method must be used instead of instantiating one directly. .. autoclass:: IHandler :members: Private API +++++++++++ The :class:`IAsyncResult` documents the proper implementation for providing a value that results from a Zookeeper completion callback. Since the :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` returns an :class:`IAsyncResult` object instead of taking a completion callback for async functions, developers wishing to have their own callback called should use the :meth:`IAsyncResult.rawlink` method. .. autoclass:: IAsyncResult :members: